Query the Démonette database


Démonette (under CC-BY-SA 4.0 licence) is structured in twree downloadable tables :


  • A sub-set of the table of lexemes including the semantic annotation of 22.194 words
  • A version of the table of lexemes providing the phonetic transcription automatically computed for all the wordforms of all the lexemes

Download guides and annotation grids (in French)

  • All the features (spelling, category, morphology) that were used to encode the relations in the Démonette database are presented in the morphological annotation grid : here
  • The list of affix patterns involved in derivational relations is listed : here
  • The way the annotation grid can be used is illustrated by examples of coding: here
  • Instructions to encore the semantic properties of lexemes can be downloaded here.

Querying the Démonette database

The platform for querying the Démonette database is here.